12-24-23 I am the Lord’s Servant

Of course, Mary plays a pivotal role in the Christmas Story as she bears the Christ Child sent from God. What might it have been for her to be cast with this responsibility? We will imagine what the young Mary might have been facing.


12-10-23 Welcoming a New Heaven and a New Earth

The early church eagerly awaited the arrival of Jesus in the clouds of heaven. With his arrival would come the blessings of a new heaven and a new earth. Does this matter to us today in our current world and our current church, or is this something for many centuries past? We will examine this bit of ancient theology and its relevance for today.


11-19-23 Returning with Thanks

On this Thanksgiving Sunday, we focus on remembering to take time to thank our God for the many blessings we continually receive. In a busy world, it can become easy to forget to give thanks. We will focus on remembering with grateful hearts.


11-5-23 What Shall We Become

This Sunday we will celebrate the Saints, who were our friends and loved ones who have departed into the heavenly realm. Candles will be lit and a bell will be rung. The congregation will have the opportunity to light individual candles to remember and honor Saints we have lost.


09-18-22 The Creator and The Keeper

We are blessed with the beautiful world which God has created and is still creating today. And we are given the task of caring for the work of God’s mighty hand. Pastor Will explores how we can do our part in caring for creation.
