02-11-24 Listening to Him

The Transfiguration of Jesus makes it clear that he is the chosen one of God. The Father’s command is to “Listen to Him!” What does that mean for us in our daily living? Are we listening to him? (more…)

02-04-2024 I Preach

The Apostle Paul feels bound to share the Good News of Jesus Christ. I am compelled to preach that which has filled his heart. Each of us who embrace the Christian title is invited to do the same. How might you share the Gospel? (more…)

01-14-24 Follow Me

Today we hear the story of Jesus calling two of his disciples – Philip and Nathanael. His message to them was two simple words with life changing implications. He said, “Follow me.” What does it mean to follow Jesus? How will our lives be changed when we answer his call? (more…)

01-07-24 What Gift Do We Present to The Lord

The story of the Magi visiting the Messiah is a beloved part of the Christmas Tradition. Gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh were presented to the Christ Child by the wise men. In our wisdom, what gifts might we present to Jesus and how do we present them? We will focus on how Jesus has asked us to give. (more…)

12-31-23 Meeting the Baby

When Simeon and Anna met the baby Jesus, their lives were changed even in their elder years. Jesus changes lives for all who meet him, no matter if one is young or old. How and when did Jesus change your life? Might you meet him again?


12-24-23 I am the Lord’s Servant

Of course, Mary plays a pivotal role in the Christmas Story as she bears the Christ Child sent from God. What might it have been for her to be cast with this responsibility? We will imagine what the young Mary might have been facing.
