
We, the leaders of Asbury United Methodist Church, believe that to remain a healthy congregation we declare that the way we behave matters. Therefore, as we begin this process of Holy Manners, we look to Scripture as the foundation for our healthy living together. Scriptures say, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, strength, and mind . . . and love your neighbors as much as you love yourself.” (Luke 10:27) Scripture also speaks the truth that “Whenever two or three of you come together in my name, I am there with you.” (Matthew 18:20)

Therefore, we will seek to be faithful together, we covenant with one another to be attentive to the following guidelines in our conduct at Asbury United Methodist Church and with one another. In a spirit of trust and love, we will:

Guiding Scripture Passages: Reasoning: Value:
1 John 4:11 We believe the sanctuary is our “Holy Ground”. When you enter and worship, do so with dignity and respect for all around you. Holy Ground & Grace
Colossians 3:12 We seek to build each other up and not tear individuals down. Respect
Ephesians 4:3 We respect and honor the office of pastor and other lay leaders. Honor
Romans 15:5-7 We seek to discover what is best for our church as a whole, not what may be best for us or some smaller group. Teamwork
Ephesians 4:15 We will approach conflict in a way that allows for open communication and shared listening so that there is free expression of beliefs and ideas. Listening
Galatians 5:25 We are committed to being inconvenienced for the sake of the gospel. Service
Philippians 2:3-4 We promise to offer our opinions with clarity and humility; giving others an opportunity to speak. Humility
Romans 5:1-5 We choose to rejoice, for God has poured out his love and grace to us. Celebration & Praise
Psalm 39 We promise to support each other through prayer. We do this to comfort each other and deflect whatever damage we may have unintentionally done to one another. Prayer
2 Peter 3:18 We will grow in Christian faith and love. Faith

Covenant Moment:

We will individually consider and constrain our behavior to conform to this covenant. Should a member discern a breach of this covenant, we would ask for aCovenant Moment. We will seek to stay in community with each other though the discussion may be vigorous or tension filled. We will be ready to forgive and be forgiven.

(Adopted by the AUMC’s Staff Parish Relations Team and Church Council on September 20, 2011)